William Chow's Personal Web Page

The year is 2004.

Below I have some of the photos of great times that were had. Feel free to click on the thumbnail to enlarge it.

Anime Conventions

Sakura Con 2004 was held in Seattle Washington this year at the Seatac Hilton on April 23-25th.


San Diego Comic Con 2004

San Diego Con 2004

Anime Evolution 2004.

Anime Evolution 2004



The end of summer is that special time of the year where we do the annual VJAS BBQ at the store.


End of summer also marks the time where long time anime friends Michael Wishlow and Anna Exter (now Wishlow), move into isolation on the island. Once a hermit always a hermit I guess. So, we have a grand party to see them off on their quiet piece of the world.


New Year for 2005

New Year


The worst time to go to a northern city like Prince George is in the Winter but with time constraints, I didn't have much of a choice of when I would go back to my old tromping grounds.
