William Chow's Personal Web Page

The year is 1977.

Below I have some of the photos of great times that were had. Feel free to click on the thumbnail to enlarge it.



This is a class photo from Quinson Elementary School 1977 from my Grade 4/5 split class. It was also the first class I had in a classroom called the "Open Area".

I thank Dee Kent for making a photographic copy of this picture when I made contact with him in 2004.

From memory:

Back: Mrs. Ginter (rightmost), Dee Kent (2nd right), Corina (?) (3rd right) ;

Middle row: Janet Turner (2nd right), me (3rd right), Carla Fabris (?) (4th right), Bobby ? (leftmost), Patrick Zanette (2nd left)

Front Row: from the left is Elizabeth Lamare, Trish Clarke, Lonnie Delise, Trent Blair, Brett Doig, Helen McPherson (?), and Allison Girvan (rightmost), Grace (?) (3rd left)

Notable people in the picture (if you can recognize them) If you can help me place a name on some of these faces, please email me.


This is a class photo from Quinson Elementary School 1977 from the other Grade 4 class.

I have included this picture because this should have the rest of the people who were not in my class. I thank Cameron for finding this photo. If you recognize any more faces, I would love to hear from you, email me.

Notable people in the picture (if you can recognize them).

Back Row: Andrew Coates, Wendy Wiseman (rightmost beside the asst teacher)

Middle Row: Lenora Katzberg (3rd from right), Tim Boyce (4th), Sidney Schug (6th), Kent Nadeau (4th from left)

Front Row: Gerry Philips (2nd left), Helen ? (5th), Cameron Dunn (6th), Brian Payne (3rd right)




This is a class photo from Quinson Elementary School 1977 from the May's Grade 3 class.

I have included this picture because this should have the rest of the people who were not in my class. If you can help place some of the faces to the names, I would love to hear from you, email me.

Notable people in the picture (if you can recognize them)

Back Row: Murray Engelsgord, Marty Pawluk, May, and Carolyn Whitney from the centre.


Here is me at my 10th birthday. Seated at the table around from left to right is Harvey Parhar, Marty Pawluk, Dee Kent (who use to live on the far end of Lyon Street, and Gerry Philips (who also lived on Lyon Street).


A party at Evan's house on Lyon Street across the street from Dee's house. This dogpile from bottom to top, left to right is, Calvin Townsend, me, Evan Delay, Brett Doig, Dee Kent, Ivan, and Trent Blair. I remember this party.

Evan correctly spotted this picture when he found me on Facebook.com in 2007.

Now that I see the pictures in detail, something seems not right. I think the dates are wrong. But judging by the dates we were in school, and by the relative looks in age, this party must have been around the same time.

This Party is Dee's birthday at his house.

Here is Dee's cake with someone who is obviously not shy to a camera.

The girl in the picture I do believe was Evan's or Ian's sister.

I am not sure what we were doing here. Here is another good shot of Calvin.

We had to cherades. Hell, I got the impossible one, a TV show called "What's New?". Yea right, try to act that one out when you are 10.

Dee was a good friend. I remember he had a habit of being injured. I remember he broke his arm but am unclear how that occured. Me and Dee were having a contest on the swing sets at Quinson Elementary to see how high and how far one could jump and land off of the swing sets. After Dee got in contact with me, he tells me that he broke his arm on the slide.

Calvin, Brett and Trent went on to become school mates in the later years.

Dee moved when we left grade 4, and have not heard from him until 2004.


Around The House

Here is me doing one of my favourite sports back then. Of course, I wasnt't all that good at the game of baseball. Never really developed a swing that would hit the ball very hard.

This is in my backyard. Although the picture is black and white, the house is a really shocking and disgusting shade of coral pink.