William Chow's Personal Web Page

The year is a sub page dedicated to my friend, Jamie Baxter.

Below I have some of the photos of great times that were had. Feel free to click on the thumbnail to enlarge it.


I got in touch with Jamie again through Facebook in 2007. He had later called me for a Naruto Christmas present for his kids. However, I didn't have anymore of that kind of figurine. But I am glad after all these years promoting anime, it has gone this far!


1985 PGSS His grad comment reads: This Aries will always remember Mr. Elias' German 11 class. Jame dislikes red Toyotas with grey hoods and doors and grouchy teachers, and can be heard saying "yeah" throughout the halls. His main goal is to get out of PGSS alive.


"James" is in Prince George working in the mill. He is also a volunteer fire fighter and was recently awarded for his excellence in his line of duty. He is married to Christine. You can contact him here.

2007 entry on Facebook.